23 November 2024 (Saturday)
2024年11月23日 (星期六)
Time: 時間: | 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Two sessions will be arranged, each lasting approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. The school will assign participants to sessions and those selected will be notified via email. Please be aware that changes to session allocation will not be accommodated. Thank you for your understanding. 上午8時30分至下午12時30分 分兩場,每場約1小時30分鐘。場次由學校分配,恕不能更改,敬請見諒。 |
Venue: 地點 : | Student Activity Room (3/F) 學生活動室 (三樓) |
Seat Reservation: 預留座位: | Interested parents should complete the Google Form linked below. Due to ongoing renovations in the School Hall and limited space in the Student Activity Room, each family may reserve only ONE seat. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Seats are available on a first come, first served basis. 有興趣的家長請填妥以下電子表格。由於禮堂正進行翻新工程,且學生活動室場地有限,每個家庭只能獲安排一個座位,不便之處,敬請原諒。座位會根據先到先得的原則安排,額滿即止。 https://forms.gle/DmKg6HBr6oBu9p5h6 成功預留座位的家長將於2024年11月15日或之前收到電郵通知。 Successful applicants will be notified via email on or before 15 November 2024. |
Content : 內容大要: | The talk will provide an overview of our school’s Vision & Mission, Medium of Instruction Policy, Facilities, Curriculum, Extra-curricular activities and the Application Processing Procedure, etc. 介紹本校辦學理念、教學語言政策、學校設施、課程特色、課外活動、申請入學手續及流程等。 |