Professor Lam Hon-Ming Enlightens Students with the genetic research on Soybeans

Professor Lam Hon-Ming from CUHK, visited our school and gave a talk to S4 and 5 students on 5 Feb, 2024. He gave us a talk on ‘the story of soybeans’. In which, we learnt the history and the use of soybean in China, the contribution of genomic studies of soybean. He and his team of researchers increased both the quantity and quality of soybean with biotechnology which benefit the people in the south Africa and rural areas of mainland China.

The student audiences were amazed by his work and contributions and are stroked on knowing how persevering scientists are when they have to do their research with limited amount of funding.

28 students joined a visit to the biotechnology Laboratories in CUHK where they gained valuable experience on how genetically modified soybeans are grown for research studies. They are amazed by how the environmental conditions are controlled in mini machines like Green Houses.




This was the first time that I be a MC at school. Prof Lam is one of the most important scientists in GM research in the world. Prof Lam not only has outstanding achievements in science, but he also applies his research findings to help farmers. When I was listening to his talk, I was shocked at the colorful photos that he shared. I haven’t seen how colorful the beans are in the farm before. Prof Lam showed me that in order to help the people who are in need in the world, keep learning is the key.

5B Chloe Wong Yee Ching


I often heard about genetically modifying research of soybeans, but it is my very first time knowing the details of the research. Prof. Lam’s research focused mainly on how to modify soybeans’ genes in order to increase its ability to survive in a harsh environment. Although countless difficulties hinder his progress, eg his was not able to carry out site visits during the Covid-19 pandemic, he didn’t give up and continued his research till now. He doesn’t aim only for success in research, but to improve the harvest of the farmers who live in borderlines of mainland China. I was impressed by Prof. Lam’s determination to help others in need which is the driving force for his success.

4D Cheng Ho Wang


Professor Lam’s talk inspired us a lot. We were touched by his passion in his job –research in making genetically modified soybeans. As science students, we were very interested in it. The talk gave us an enriching learning experience, captivating us with a wealth of knowledge and insights into the world of soybean research. We would like to be one of the scientists that research in areas that contribute to the society and benefit our world in the future.

We also visited the labs in CUHK which broaden our horizons. We could see and touch the soybeans that was taken to the Space for research and back on Earth. A CUHK student explained to us how they use the high-tec, expensive equipment in GM research. The CUHK students were not only working on molecular level – the genes but also growing soybeans. We could see how the soybeans are grown in controlled conditions in many cabinets and in Green House! We loved the lab tour!

5B Yung Ho Yin and Zheng Wai Kuen