School Management Committee (2024-2025)
Our school is a co-educational secondary school founded by the Government. School policies are basically devised according to the educational ordinances and policies of the Education Bureau.
The School Management Committee (SMC) is the top decision-making body. The chairperson is an official appointed by the Education Bureau. Other members include the school principal, two teachers’ representatives, two parents’ representatives, two alumni representatives and two independent members.
Mrs. LI CHOW Yeuk-lan, Conny (Principal Education Officer, New Territories West, EDB)
Independent Members
Professor WONG Suk-ying
Ms. Grace LEE
Ms. CHOI Fung-man
Assistant Principals
Ms. TANG Tze-kwan Teresa
Mr. LEE Chun-man
Teachers' Representatives
Mr. CHAN Wing-kong
Ms. Chan Ngai Yuan
Parents' Representatives
Ms. LAM Yi-ling, Ida
Ms. WONG Yin-Ching Jennifer
Alumni Representatives
Mr. LAU Chi-chung
Mr. CHIM Tin-fu