
Honourable Mention Award in the Mathematical Modelling Competition for Secondary Students (Junior Secondary) 2024

150 150 STGSS

Honourable Mention Award in the Mathematical Modelling Competition for Secondary Students (Junior Secondary) 2024 3C LAM Ming-tang and 3C LAU Sai-long had received the Honourable Mention Award in the Mathematical Modelling Competition for Secondary Students (Junior Secondary) 2024 which was organized by the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, the Education University of Hong Kong…

The 25th Hong Kong Youth Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest

150 150 STGSS

The 25th Hong Kong Youth Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest (2023-2024) The school congratulates our students on receiving the individual prizes in the 25th Hong Kong Youth Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest (2023-2024) jointly organized by Po Leung Kuk and the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education on 27 January 2024. The awardees…

The Results of JUPAS – School Principal’s Nominations in 2023-2024

150 150 STGSS

The nominated students are: 6B (23) Lee Wai Ying 6B (26) Liu Ching Yiu Yo Yo 6C (29) Ng Nga Wun 6C (32) Shek Hiu Yau

Congratulations! STGSS won the 3rd place in Harmonic Choral Speaking

150 150 STGSS

Good News:Fifty S1 students participated in the Harmonic Speaking , Secondary 1 – Boys and Girls, Hong Kong Speech Festival in late November. They won the third place with a very good score. Congratulations to the participants!

Speech Day 2022-23

150 150 STGSS

The STGSS Annual Speech Day 2022-23 was a day to remember.  Proceedings began with the Principal’s speech, which outlined many of the school’s achievements in academics, extra-curricular events, and contributions to the community and society.  The speech was followed by the presentation of awards to our 2023 graduates by Dr Stephen LAI JP who was…

The Results of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts – Principal’s Recommendation Scheme

150 150 STGSS

The Results of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts – Principal’s Recommendation Scheme The nominated students are: 6A 16 Fung Wing Laam                 –       Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) in Film and Television 6B 15 Chan Pik Tan              –       Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) in Drama 6C 10 Lam Chadwick         …

The Results of School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS)

150 150 STGSS

The Results of School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS) The nominated students are: 6C (21) Yu Ka Po 6D (12) Tong King Lun

S1 Admission Talk 中一入學簡介會安排

150 150 STGSS

25 November 2023 (Saturday)2023年11月25日 (星期六) All seats are reserved. Thank you all for your responses and your overwhelming support. Interested parents may still make waitlist seat reservation. Seats will be subject to availability and offered on a first come, first served basis. Successful applicants will be notified by email. 中一入學簡介會座位預訂已額滿,本校對踴躍參與之家長致以感謝。本校現進行候補登記,一旦有空缺,將以先到先得的形式處理,並以電郵通知成功申請者。 沙田官立中學 中一入學簡介會預留座位表格 (候補登記) STGSS S1…

School Holiday on 10th October, 2023 / 10月10日學校假期

150 150 STGSS

According to the school calendar, 10th October, 2023 (Tuesday) is a school holiday and students do not need to return to school. 根據校曆,10月10日(星期二) 是學校假期,學生不用回校上課。

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In Memory of Our Principal Ms. Lam Yuet-wah 永遠懷念林月華校長

150 150 STGSS

In memory of our principal – Ms. Lam Yuet-wah was a treasure, she is loved beyond words and missed beyond measures. 本校林校長日前因病離世,全校員工深感哀痛,並致以沉痛的哀悼。

The Internal Results of 2023 JUPAS – School Principal’s Nominations

150 150 STGSS

The nominated students are:6A (21) Fung Hiu Nam6B (28) Lin Chung Yi6B (34) Wong Wai Kiu6D (19) Cheng Hiu Lam

2023 homecoming day

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五十周年校慶開放日 (5/5/2023)

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誠邀 閣下出席本校五十周年校慶開放日,詳情如下﹕ 日期﹕二零二三年五月五日(星期五) 時間﹕上午九時三十分至下午五時正

Congratulations to School Volleyball Teams

150 150 STGSS

Both our Girls’ and Boys’ School Volleyball teams entered the final rounds of the Inter-School Volleyball Competition (A Grade, Division 2) 2022-2023, Shatin and Sai Kung Secondary Schools Area Committee, Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation. On 17 & 18 December 2022, our teams played very well in the contests. Our girls’ team won S.K.H. Lam…

Stanford Students Visited STGSS

150 150 STGSS

Exchange students of Chinese University from Stanford University, the USA visited our school on 25 November.Led by our SMC Independent member Professor Suk-Ying Wong (Professor, Department of Sociology, Chinese University), the students first welcomed by our STGSS Student Ambassadors (S. 5 students) at our school entrance. Then the students enjoyed the Chinese Dance and Chinese…

S6 Careers Talk on Non-local Further Studies

150 150 STGSS

S6 Careers talk on non-local further studies A careers talk on non-local further studies was held on 8 November 2022 and our S6 students were given an introduction and overview of the application process for further studies in the Mainland, Taiwan, Macau, the UK, the USA, Canada and Australia. Students first learned about the essential…

S3+S6 Peer Counselling – Choice of S4 Elective Subjects

150 150 STGSS

S3 + S6 PEER COUNSELING — CHOICE OF S4 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS On 31 October 2022, S6 students shared with their S3 schoolmates about their valuable experiences of choosing elective subjects. They talked about the traits one should possess in order to do a certain elective subject well, the joy the elective subject brought to them…

Pleasing University Destination of Our 2022 S6 Graduates

150 150 STGSS

Congratulations to our graduates on their well-deserved success. There were some outstanding achievements as can be seen below: 6C劉縉熹CUHKMedicine (MBChB) Programme6C陳文禮CUHKMedicine (MBChB) Programme6D張喜裕CUHKGlobal Business Studies6A溫淑穎CUHKSocial Science6D盧樹昌CUHKEnrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics6C李浚軒PolyUBSc (Hons) Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences – BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy6C朱樂筠PolyUBSc (Hons) Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences – BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy6C潘紫晴HKUBachelor of Laws6C葉家寶PolyUBSc (Hons) Scheme in…


150 150 STGSS

The Jockey Club funded project 賽馬會抗逆有「家」計劃

150 150 STGSS

This is a Jockey Club funded project, designed and implemented by PolyU, led by Prof. Daniel Shek. It is free of charge, for parents. Please feel free to join. 網上學習證書課程由香港理工大學設計,是賽馬會抗逆有「家」計劃其中一個項目。歡迎家長參加。 完成基礎課程、進階課程的每個範疇及整個課程均會獲得 電子證書 各一張。

2021-2022 親子閱讀獎勵計劃 (中文科獎項)

150 150 STGSS

本年度的親子閱讀獎勵計劃已於2022年5月16日完成。學生透過是次活動善用疫情停課的時間與家長一同閱讀,分享閱讀樂趣之餘,更讓家長及子女有更多相處機會。經中一中文科老師推薦後,最後共有十九篇入圍作品,其中1E班何佳欣同學(冠軍)、1B班梁梓烽同學(亞軍)及1A班周倚瑩同學(季軍)的作品已連同其他優異作品於Learning Celebration中展出。

2021-2022年度沙官盃徵文比賽 (中文科獎項)

150 150 STGSS

本年學校的關注事項為「正面價值」。為了宣揚中國傳統珍貴的品德價值,該委員會特與中文學會合辦「2022沙官盃徵文比賽」。是次比賽由中文學會幹事以一人一票選出得獎作品,再由中文科老師進行評審。學生透過是次比賽不但提升對文章的鑑賞能力,更進一步思考不同的價值觀對現今生活的意義。以下為得獎名單: 2021-2022年度沙官盃

2021-2022 價值觀標語創作比賽得獎作品 (中文科獎項)

150 150 STGSS

中一冠軍     中一戊    劉倩妍 十優公民最閃亮 融洽相處最理想 尊重包容相體諒 以身作則好榜樣 中二冠軍     中二丙    黃詠鑫 同情同理伴同心 正確正面繫人生 中三冠軍     中三丁    林卓賢 關愛親朋互包容 融洽相處顯尊重 傳遞愛心誰都能 互助互愛並肩行 中四冠軍     中四丁    鄒伊晴 敷衍塞責不可得 恪盡職守是美德 馬虎了事齊說不 正面價值皆可得 中五冠軍     中五乙    黃慧喬 乘風破浪迎挑戰 敢於承擔邁向前 堅毅不屈敢嘗試 披荊斬棘創明天

2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種 講你知 港台拍攝短片(共6集)

150 150 STGSS

2022年7月21日 港台32台開始播放 地點:教育局元朗官立小學 第1集 新冠疫苗過敏副作用與安全性 第2集 新冠疫苗有效預防孩子感染後出現重症 第3集 感染新冠病毒後出現多系統性炎症 第4集 感染新冠病毒後出現長新冠 第5集 孩子感染新冠病毒後還需要打針嗎 第6集 懷孕和哺乳的時候可否接種新冠疫苗

Science Club Inter-house Tower Design Competition

150 150 STGSS

Activity: Science Club Inter-house Tower Design Competition Date: Jul 26, 2022 Participants: Science Club members and members from the 4 houses I/C: Ms. Ho Yuen-wa, Mr Choi Siu Po, Ms Tong Man Ling Students attending the briefing session.Students discussing how they are going to make the tower.House members cheering for the contestants.Students from C house…

Outstanding Student Performance (2022 DSE)

150 150 STGSS

劉縉熹 (39 分) Outstanding Student Performance – DSE 2022

Career Exploration Workshop – Pet Grooming, Coffee Brewing & Latte Art, and Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy

150 150 STGSS

A brand-new series of Career Exploration Workshop was successfully held from 23 May 2022 to 9 June 2022. The workshops aimed at addressing the diverse needs of the students with different career aspirations. The workshops attracted S4 and S5 students who were interested in pet grooming, coffee brewing & latte art, and physiotherapy and occupational…

Protect Yourself and others ~ get vaccinated at STGSS

150 150 STGSS

To echo with the Outreach Vaccination Programme launched by the Civic Service Bureau and to safeguard public health, STGSS was opened as vaccination center for our students and their family members as well as our staff members on 27 July for the first dose of the BioNTech vaccine. Around 350 vaccine doses were administered during…

Congratulations to students who achieved remarkable achievements in HKDSE 2021

2560 2091 STGSS

Outstanding students include: 6C Cheung Ting Fai 6C Lam Chun Ho 6D Wong Ho Yeung 6C Ting Chun Kit 6D Ho Chun Yuen 6C Fan Sik Wui 6C Leung Sin Ki 6C Choi Man Hin 6D Lee Ho Long 6D Seto Wing Kee Wincy 6D Yue Hoi Laam 6C Yue Hoi Wing 6D Ho Kwun…


150 150 STGSS

家長教師會獲家校合作組撥款,舉辦了兩個親子活動,讓家長及其子女免費參加,也有副校長和老師出席支持。 其一是5月21日的「健體伸展班」,邀請校友兼註冊物理治療師莊子聰先生到校指導及示範伸展運動和八段錦招式。參加者表示活動有助他們紓緩筋骨勞損的問題。 其一是5月28日的「中國彩墨畫班」,邀請專業導師到校講解中國畫的特色,並教授繪畫技巧。參加者可即場完成一、兩幅簡單的作品,從中培養對傳統文化、藝術的興趣。

Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2020/21

150 150 STGSS

Our school drama team has again set a new school record by winning the highest honour, Adjudicators’ Award, in this year’s Hong Kong School Drama Festival (HKSDF) in both the Cantonese and English sections with our play “Peng Fei Centre”. We are grateful to be the only school among around three hundred entry teams that…

Chinese Music Cultural Week

150 150 STGSS

To promote Chinese music learning, students from the Chinese Orchestra gave demonstration of different Chinese musical instruments in the mornings and during the recess for six days in May 2021 (21/5/2021 – 28/5/2021).  To stimulate the interests of students, Chinese Orchestra members also invited students to try playing different Chinese musical instruments such as pipa,…

Learning Celebration cum Reading Carnival @ STGSS

150 150 STGSS

To recognize STGSS students’ unwavering commitment to learning despite disruptions to in-person classes, Learning Celebration cum Reading Carnival @ STGSS, a festive academic extravaganza jointly organized by the Reading to Learn Committee, STEM Education Committee, PSHE Departments, Project-based Learning Committee, E-learning Team and Interflow and Exchange Programs Team, was held on 7th May, 2021. To…

Artificial Intelligence Technology to build Robots

150 150 STGSS

Some professionals were invited to introduce A.I. technology to our S.1 students in our computer laboratory. Students enjoyed building robots. They will complete several tasks by writing computer programs using A.I. technology in the coming sessions.

PTA Film Appreciation Activity 家長教師「電影欣賞」

150 150 STGSS

Our PTA booked the whole cinema for STGSS students, parents and teachers to watch the film Soul at MOSTown, Ma On Shan on 3 April 2021. All of us enjoyed the film directed by Pete Docter. The story is about a jazz musician Joe Gardner, who appears as a soul, uncoupled from his own body.…

教育局數學教育組主辦 2019 至 2020 年度 中學數學閱讀報告比賽得獎心得錄影片段

150 150 STGSS

教育局數學教育組主辦   2019 至 2020 年度 中學數學閱讀報告比賽   一等獎得獎者  4C 張凱琪 (2019-2020班別)   Cheung Hoi Ki Sharing to EDB Maths_720P 得獎心得錄影片段 此片段已於2020-21年度中學數學閱讀報告比賽簡介會(10/12/2020)播放

Mask covers designed by our students

150 150 STGSS

The mask covers are designed by our students, 3B Li Wing Chi 3C Wong Wai Kiu and 3C Law Yuet Ying These unique covers are practical and nice, they are available for students’ collection. The COVID-19 pandemic is still not settled. During the summer holiday, may we wish everyone healthy and stay strong. Take good…

Congratulations to our DSE outstanding students

2560 1701 STGSS

Congratulations to our outstanding students who obtained remarkable results in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination 2020. The school is proud of their achievements despite the challenging circumstances they had been facing this year. Our best student 6D Chim Pui Yuen achieved Level 5** in four subjects, Level 5* in two subjects (including…


150 150 STGSS

各位家長: 因應政府就新型肺炎抗疫作出的中小學延長農曆年假至2月17日復課安排,本校正積極重新安排下列事項: 中六級畢業考試時間表 中一至中五上學期考試對卷日程 家長日 在延後復課期間各級學生課業 其他學校活動 本校一經妥當處理各項事宜日程後,會即時發放最新資訊,敬請各位留意。

鄭夏恩醫生紀念獎學金計劃 2019-2020

150 150 STGSS

2019/2020 申請人須知及表格

School Calendar (學校日曆) 2019 – 2020

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School Calendar (學校日曆) 2019 – 2020

鄭夏恩醫生紀念獎學金計劃 2019-2020

150 150 STGSS

2019/2020 申請人須知及表格

EDB Learning Circle Project Booklet 201819 (Read Life in Drama)

150 150 STGSS

EDB Learning Circle Project Booklet 201819

商務印書館到校派發已訂購的書本,現在因颱風關係,將延後至8 月5 日才可派發書本。

150 150 STGSS

商務印書館原定8 月2 日上午9:00- 下午4:00 到校派發已訂購的書本。現在因颱風關係,將延後至8 月5 日才可派發書本。不便之處,請諒。   The Commercial Press Ltd. has to postpone the distribution of ordered textbooks.…

有關 31/7/19 中一新生「暑期跨科銜接課程」上課安排

150 150 STGSS

中一新生家長: 因天氣惡劣問題,今天(31/7/2019)的中一新生「暑期跨科銜接課程」將作以下安排: 組別二(11:00 – 13:00)→取消 組別三(14:15 – 16:15)→取消 補課將安排於19/8/2019(星期一)同樣時間上課。 敬請家長留意,提醒 貴子弟有關上課安排,謝謝。  

Upcoming event: 4-11/7/2019 Post-Exam Activities

150 150 STGSS


150 150 STGSS

大學聯合招生辦法──校長推薦計劃結果公佈 受推薦同學為: 6B曾佩欣 6C蘇子傑 6C 談家詠 6D何賀堯

Upcoming event: 4-24/6/2019 Yearly Examination

150 150 STGSS

沙田官立中學視覺藝術展 — 8640分鐘的永恆

150 150 STGSS


Inter-school Swimming Championships 2018-2019

150 150 STGSS

Inter-school Swimming Championships 2018-2019 Event/Section/GradeName of StudentAwardBoys’ Grade B 50M BreaststrokeYIP KING SING (4C)2nd runner-upBoys’ Grade B 100M BreaststrokeYIP KING…

活躍及健康校園政策 (MVPA60)

150 150 STGSS
