
Swimming Gala 水運會 3RD OCTOBER 2023

150 150 STGSS

Our 43rd Annual Swimming Gala is held at Sha Tin Jockey Club Swimming Pool on Tuesday, 3rd October 2023, commencing at 8:30 a.m. 本校於2023年10月3日(星期二)上午8時30分在沙田賽馬會游泳池舉行第四十三屆水運會。

鄭夏恩醫生紀念獎學金計劃 2023-2024

150 150 STGSS

2023-2024年鄭夏恩醫生紀念獎學金計劃開始接受申請 有興趣申請上述獎學金的校友及同學可於 9月13日 至10月6日在校務處索取申請表格,或下載此表格,填妥所需資料後,交回或郵寄校務處辦理。   18_Dr.-Cheng-Ha-Yan-Memorial-Scholarship23-24.docDownload    


150 150 STGSS

Due to inclement weather, class will be suspended on 1st of September.因應預計惡劣天氣,九月一日停課一天。

Arrangement of Inclement Weather 惡劣天氣安排

150 150 STGSS

In case of the red/ black rainstorm warning is announced or typhoon signal no. 8 is to be hoisted and there is public announcement of school suspension on 1st September (tomorrow), the first school day will be delayed to 4th September, details of the change will be notified through eClass. 如果天文台在明天發出紅色/黑色暴雨警告或 8 號颱風信號懸掛,教育局宣布 9 月 1 日(明天)停課,首上課天則推遲至…

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S5 OLE HSBC Young Financial Planners Programme

150 150 STGSS

S5 Other Learning Experiences– HSBC Young Financial Planners Programme On 19th October 2022, S5 students participated in the HSBC Young Financial Planner Programme organized by The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong. The BGCA simulated a social experience for students. Everyone has their own role and the ultimate goal was to earn as…


150 150 STGSS

Other Learning Experiences S4 One Student One Community Service—Together We Care 2022愛心送暖行動2022  On 13th November 2022, 18 S4 students reached out to the community by participating in the Together We Care 2022. Students were sent off in groups to deliver the blessing packages and to engage the elderly with friendly chat. Both the elderly and…

The Results of School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS)

150 150 STGSS

The nominated students are: 6B (9) Kwok Chun Wai Aeon 6D (29) Law Yuet Ying Agnes

Introduction to New Elective Subjects – BAFS, Chinese Literature and Economics

150 150 STGSS

S.3 Careers Talk on Electives, namely Chinese Literature, BAFS and Economics, was held online for parents and students on 19th October, 2022 (Wednesday). The department heads of aforementioned electives provided a detailed description of the HKDSE curricula and advised on the learning strategies. A big thanks goes to Mr HK Mok (Chinese Literature HOD), Miss…

Staff Development Day 1

150 150 STGSS

STGSS Staff Development Day 1 was held on Friday, 28th October 2022. We aimed to build up a positive attitude towards professionalism with sharing culture. At the same time, through the thematic talk, teachers are well-supported and are equipped to raise awareness on students’ affairs. The day started by a thematic talk on Life Education…

S1 Admission Talk 中一入學簡介會安排

150 150 STGSS

26 November 2022 (Saturday)2022年11月26日 (星期六) Time:時間: 9:30 am – 11:15 am (Please be seated by 9:20 am)上午9時30分至上午11時15分 (參與者請於上午9時20分入座) Venue:地點: School Hall本校禮堂 Content :內容大要: The talk will introduce our School Vision & Mission, Medium of Instruction Policy, Facilities, Curriculum, Extra-curricular activities and Procedure for Processing Applications, etc.介紹本校辦學理念、教學語言政策、學校設施、課程特色、課外活動、申請入學手續及流程等。 Seat Reservation:預留座位: Interested parents should fill in the Google…

家長教師會周年會員大會 2022-10-15

150 150 STGSS

家長教師會2022年度周年會員大會於10月15日假學校禮堂舉行,當日共有160多名家長出席,場面熱鬧。在周年會員大會上,由第18屆家教會主席林宜玲女士進行工作報告,家教會司庫黃意心老師作財務報告。此外,家長教師會亦特別鳴謝周顏惜琴女士擔任義務核數員。最後,林月華校長於會上公佈林宜玲女士為2022-2024年度學校管理委員會家長成員代表的當選人。 家長教師會周年會員大會結束後,學校亦安排家長與班主任及各級科任老師進行座談會。家長們積極發問,藉此機會對子女的學習難點及掌握科目的技巧等方面都作出深入了解。

S. 5 School-based OLE Lesson: Food Waste – Waste Not, Want Not

150 150 STGSS

On 13 September, we attended a talk during the school-based OLE lessons hosted by the organization, Food Angel.  What was the talk about? The main topic was about a severe problem in Hong Kong – food waste.  Tons of food waste is produced every day.  It contributes to the production of greenhouse gasses and global…


150 150 STGSS

相信大家對中國樂器也不陌生,但你們有沒有深入了解這些歷史悠久的樂器呢?是否了解它們的起源呢?其實大家也應該搜集一下資料,了解不同樂器的歷史,認識中國文化,便會發現其中的樂趣所在。 最近,學校邀請了中樂團成員來學校表演,我也希望各位同學能夠藉着這個機會來認識一下中國樂器。 當我們進入禮堂準備觀看表演的時候,便看到一位二胡演奏家正在練習,她的神情動作十分陶醉,完全投入在樂曲之中,難以自拔。過了一會,中樂團已經準備開始表演,同學都專注起來,禮堂變得鴉雀無聲。他們演奏第一首曲目時,氣氛十分澎湃,清脆的樂聲撼動我的心房。曲目結束時,台下響如雷的掌聲,樂團所演奏的樂章動人,實在令人感嘆不已。 接下來便是每一個樂器的獨奏。而當中令我印象最深刻的樂器是二胡,因為我從小學至今一直在學習二胡。我看到這個演奏家拉起弓時的表情格外緊張,因為她要表演的曲目是《賽馬》,這首曲目是形容人在騎馬時馬的神態,所以旋律特別清脆,節奏明快。我覺得她完全能夠演繹出這種神髓,希望我將來也能夠像這位演奏家一樣出色。 經過這次中樂團表演活動後,我明白到中國樂器也能夠演繹出一種難以言喻的情感,有的是悲傷,有的是激昂,亦有的是歡樂。我亦明白到中國樂器的歷史十分悠久,當中飽含各朝代的歷史文化。而最能啟發我的便是這些表演者在背後花了長時間來練習,才能演奏得那麼出色,正所謂「台上一分鐘,台下十年功」,希望大家做每一樣事情也能夠堅持,因為唯有堅持才能令我們成功。 4C(21) 袁栢希

Mathematics Competitions Prize

150 150 STGSS

Our Mathematics Department joined 2 competitions organized by Mathematics Education Section, EDB in the last academic year, we are pleased to announce that our students showed good performances in the competitions.  Congratulations to the following winners: 1. Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools (2021/22) Second Class Prize 4B LEE Yin-yan Irene 4D LONG Hei-tung…

S4 Positive Thinking Day Camp

150 150 STGSS

The S4 Positive Thinking Day Camp was successfully held by the Guidance Committee on 2nd June, 2022 at Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong Wu Kai Sha Youth Village. The camp aimed at providing more chances for students to develop their social skills and cultivate resilience against adversity. Through group games, discussions and orientation activities, S4 students were able to…

Lecture on Interesting Geometry Examples by HKUST

150 150 STGSS

The Mathematics Department arranged an inspiring science lecture namely Interesting Geometry Examples conducted by Professor Kin Yin LI from Department of Mathematics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on Zoom on 31 May 2022. In the talk, Prof. LI introduced a lot of interesting geometry examples, for example from finding the radius of…

The Results of JUPAS – School Principal’s Nominations 2021-2022

150 150 STGSS

The nominated students are: 6C (2) Chen Chun Hin 6C (24) Chu Lok Kwan 6C (27) Ngai Lok Sum 6C (34) Yip Ka Po

The Results of School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS)

150 150 STGSS

The nominated students are: 6C (8) Lau Chun Hei 6C (23) Cheung Ka Sin

The Results of Scheme for Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions 2022-23

150 150 STGSS

The nominated students are: 6A (9) Lee Chun Fung 6A (27) Wu Ka Hei 6B (21) Chen Ka Yi 6B (31) Liu Yat Yam 6C (3) Cheuk Chun Fai 6C (20) Chan Nga Sze 6C (29) Pang Chin Ching 6D (7) Li Bin

Science Club X Environmental & Media Education Committee: Making Leaf Vein Bookmarks

150 150 STGSS

Activity: Science Club X Environmental & Media Education Committee: Making Leaf Vein Bookmarks Date: May 25, 2022 Participants: Science Club members and Student Environmental Protection Ambassadors I/C: Ms. Ho Yuen-wa Students removing the mesophyll tissue of the leaves carefully.Students removing the mesophyll tissue of the leaves carefully.Students are cheerful when they have successfully removed the…

Elective Subjects Taster Lessons

150 150 STGSS

The three-day interactive Elective Taster Lessons were successfully held from 17 May 2022 to 19 May 2022. These newly designed lessons aim at providing potential S.3 students with a flavour of Economics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, and Chinese Literature. Students were provided with early exposure to these subjects by actively engaging in lessons and…

S.3 Careers Talk on S.4 Streaming

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The S.3 Careers Talk on S.4 Streaming came to a successful conclusion on 6 May 2022 (Friday). The talk was conducted online in the afternoon for all S.3 parents and students, and it was highly appreciated by the participants. To provide comprehensive careers advice for students in the talk, a whole-school approach was adopted. Principal…

Scholarships sponsored by STGSS Foundation Limited

150 150 STGSS

Every year, STGSS Foundation Limited pledges a sum donation in support of various scholarships for our students. Alumnus Man Chi Yin Scholarship for the Student with the best academic improvement in Junior Form aims at motivating junior form students to strive for academic excellence and recognizing them for the greatest academic improvement made. Dr Cheng Ha…

PTA Succulent Plant Workshop 家教會多肉植物盆景班

150 150 STGSS

PTA Succulent Plant Workshop Our PTA organized a Succulent Plant Workshop on 30 March 2021. A total of around 20 teachers and families joined the activity. Under the step-by-step coaching of three instructors, many families created their unique potted plants with wonderful decorations. You don’t need a huge yard or a grand garden to enjoy…

The Teacher Symposium 2021 (Joint School Staff Development Day)

150 150 STGSS

The Teacher Symposium 2021 (Joint School Staff Development Day) organized by the EDB and the Principals Association of the Government School, was held on 31st March 2021. The theme was ‘Accentuate Professional Dialogue, Empower Education Wisdom’. It was the first time teachers from 31 government secondary schools in Hong Kong joined the seminar via Zoom…

Youth Emotional Health Seminar 青少年情緒健康講座

150 150 STGSS

Guidance Team and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups held a “Youth Emotional Health Seminar” for S2 and 3 students on March 29, enabling students to understand the importance of emotional health, emotional management and ways to cope with stress. The seminar was divided into two parts. In the first session, the host gave…

S3 Careers Talk on S4 Streaming

150 150 STGSS

S4 is a new stage of learning. For S3 students, making subject choices is very important in their life planning. Face-to-face talks were thus conducted on 26 March 2021. To maintain social distancing, the talks were conducted for S3 students and their parents separately. They were provided with the overview and the latest development of…

First Multiple Intelligences Stage 智勇舞台首次演出

150 150 STGSS

First Multiple Intelligences StageThe Multiple Intelligences Stage Performances organized by the ECA Committee provide students with an opportunity to show their talents. They are student-oriented performances. Under COVID-19 pandemic, we have overcome many hindrances to plan the performance. We hope that all students will value it. The first Multiple Intelligences Stage Performances this year were…

STGSS Young Song Composers visited CUHK

150 150 STGSS

To celebrate our school’s 50th Anniversary, students were encouraged to compose English songs especially for this occasion. Some students submitted beautiful melodies with thoughtful lyrics full of gratitude and love to STGSS. In view of our students’ passion for music, we decided to provide them with further opportunities to unlock their potential. We visited Dr.…

Gratitude for blessings multiplies your blessings

150 150 STGSS

Gratitude has been associated with positivity, vitality, optimism, hope and satisfaction. Our Gratitude Week conducted in mid-March promoted gratefulness, thankfulness and appreciation. We dedicated an entire week for all STGSS students after the full resumption of classes. Through the Principal’s and teachers’ sharing sessions, a theme-based assembly, game booths, song dedication, artwork creation, poem appreciation…

Full resumption of classes – All Our Students Have Returned 沙官全面恢復面授課堂喜迎全體學生回校上課

150 150 STGSS

We were grateful to see all our students back on campus since early March. Principal Lam warmly welcomed the students through a zoom assembly on 9 March. It created a delightful mood for the school resumption. Students enjoyed the more interactive lessons and treasured the opportunity to meet their classmates on campus. We hope that…

中一自行分配學位 面見信件

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本校中一自行分配學位面見如期於2021年3月13日(星期六)舉行。 本校於今日(4/3)已寄出中一自行分配學位面見信件,範本連結﹕ 如家長於9/3 (星期二)仍未收到信件,請致電2691-4744與本校聯絡。 倘若同學有實際困難而未能出席面見,必須於10/3(星期三)或之前呈交家長信通知本校。若申請者無故缺席面見而不作事前通知,將視作自動放棄學位論。

Photocatalyst anti-virus coating applied at school

150 150 STGSS

Our school has conducted a thorough sterilization photocatalyst anti-virus coating on 9 & 10 February.