The STGSS Annual Speech Day 2022-23 was a day to remember.
Proceedings began with the Principal’s speech, which outlined many of the school’s achievements in academics, extra-curricular events, and contributions to the community and society. The speech was followed by the presentation of awards to our 2023 graduates by Dr Stephen LAI JP who was our Guest of Honour, the Principal, and members of the SMC and PTA. The audience was proud of the graduates achievements with a continuous flow of applause. After this, heightened attention turned to Dr Lai’s speech, the highlight of day. As one of the first alumni of STGSS, Dr Lai’s nostalgic memories of his high school days and his life experiences reminded the audience that “success is not the end, but a continuous journey” which we live in every moment in every day and take step by step. Dr Lai’s words of love, wisdom, and vigour were followed by exceptionally fine performances by the Chinese Dance Team, the Chinese Orchestra, and the Choir. To conclude events, teachers and guests took group photos to preserve our memories of the fine day.