STUDENTS AT SHA TIN GOVERNMENT SECONDARY SCHOOL learned a lot more about life at the biggest Book Fair in the school’s history on 15-16 Nov 2018.
The 2-day book fair with the theme of life education began with the sharing of the most precious experience of Alumnus CHAN Kin-wah, Akin, from MSF Doctors Without Borders, on fighting diseases and saving lives in the Third World countries, titled”無懼烽火遍地,矢志救傷扶危”, followed by local writer HON Lai-chu’s talk titled”通過寫作,成為自己所喜歡的人”, and a number of book recommendation sessions made by Principal WONG Kwong-wing, teachers, parents and students.
Every member of STGSS reads and all the teachers have recommended at least two books for students in the first term. Thanks to Commercial Press of Sha Tin, ten categories of books were placed in the hall together with quotes of teachers’ recommended books displayed everywhere. Each class recommended one book and a reflection was written on six boards. Students, parents and alumni were fully immersed in the talks and the book fair.
This year, we joined the eRead Scheme online and a huge variety of books was ready for our students to read at their convenience according to their interest. More, a brand new Reading Award Scheme was introduced and a total of 90 students were awarded book coupons. With the efforts of teachers, alumni and parents, 822 books were sold, including 562 fiction books, 225 non-fiction books and 35 tool books, while 107 of them are English and 715 Chinese. The best-seller in the book fair was 《解憂雜貨店》, recommended by Principal WONG.
Reading is becoming a habit of all of us now. See you again in May 2019 in our second book fair with the theme of STEM.