~Everything will turn out to be fine~
~Exhibition Foreword~
During these difficult times, our daily life routines are being suspended due to the Coronavirus. What was taken for granted in the past has now become a kind of longing, like for regular work and classes. Isolation has infected our lifes. We can only take classes and communicate via the temperature-less Internet. We have never faced such terrible adversity in this century, fears, anxieties, isolation and helplessness keep hitting us, however, art creation can help us keep calm to get through these difficult times. So, even though the world has shut down, our students have kept making art. In this exhibition, by creating “Camouflage Name Design” and “Zentangle Drawings”, students have strengthened their self-affirmation and perseverance. In addition, students’ love for others and their care for the world are shown in their “Gratitude Cards Design” and “Comic Creation in Responding to the COVID-19”. The “Zine Making” and “Four Emotions” have unleashed students’ subconscious power to face the unknown world under Covid-19. Furthermore, what is more encouraging is that our students present a kind of fearlessness to the current challenges and with full of positive energy in their future works, by quoting 3B Lee Long Yeung’s statement in his artwork, “Everything will turn out to be fine”. I hope such “valuable” Coronavirus experience makes us stronger and help create a better world.