Events 2022-2023

Inter-level Public Speaking Competition organized by English Department

2560 1707 STGSS

To broaden S.4 and S.5 students’ horizons and hone their positive values, the first ever Inter-level Public Speaking Competition was held on 2nd May during the OLE period. Drawing on…

Career Exploration Workshops (Part 2)_Nurses and Floral Designers

2560 1920 STGSS

Career Exploration Workshops (Part 2) Nurses and Floral Designers   To enable our senior form students to explore different careers that they may not be aware of, the Careers Committee…

2022-2023親子攝影比賽 結果

1378 1034 STGSS

家長教師會 2022-2023親子攝影比賽 家長教師會於2月18日舉行親子旅行日,校長、副校長、家長、老師及學生們一同樂遊西貢大霸、橋咀島等景點。旅程中,家長與子女不忘積極拍攝美景,捕捉家人愉快的笑臉。以下為親子攝影比賽的得獎名單︰ 最佳笑容獎︰1C 陳佩欣家庭 最合拍獎︰ 1D 譚浩霖家庭 Theme: 《WeCare, WeAct and WeConnect》 最有意境獎︰ 1A 蕭亦晴家庭 最有意境獎︰ 2C 伍家俊家庭 觀海的少年&藝術,無處不在,隨時隨地隨物隨心。 最具溫情獎︰ 1A 黃佩詩家庭 途中弟弟說累,家姐主動抱細佬。 最具人氣餅印獎︰ 2E 陳雋羲家庭 橋咀島 , 連島沙洲, 萬宜水庫…處處皆景,…

ECA Committee: 4th Multi-intelligence Stage (MIS)

2560 1703 STGSS

The fourth Multi-intelligence Stage (MIS), organized by the ECA Committee, had been successfully held during lunch time on 9 March 2023 (Thur). This time we had invited students from Form…

Workplace Visit: A Day in Six Different Worlds

2560 1920 STGSS

On 2 February 2023, Careers Committee organized various workplace visits to S5 students to inspire their exploration of career opportunities, gain insight into the world of work, experience the dynamic…

五十周年校慶開放日 (5/5/2023)

2480 1154 STGSS

  誠邀 閣下出席本校五十周年校慶開放日,詳情如下﹕ 日期﹕二零二三年五月五日(星期五) 時間﹕上午九時三十分至下午五時正

Life-wide Learning Day 1: S2 Service Training Workshop

1920 2560 STGSS

To cultivate a caring community culture, our Guidance Committee and Life-wide Learning Committee arranged a service training workshop for all S2 students on 2nd March 2023. Through the guidance of…

Value education Week

844 557 STGSS

After a few years’ pandemic break, we were finally able to resume our week-long programme, this time the Values Education Week. From 14 March to 17 March 2023, a variety…

S5 Other Learning Experiences – Chinese Rainbow Calligraphy Workshop

1920 2560 STGSS

Our S5 students participated in the Chinese Rainbow Calligraphy Workshop on 10th February 2023. Not only the beauty of Chinese arts is appreciated, but also the values of “ care”…

S4 One Student One Community Service_ Animal Service

2048 1536 STGSS

To raise students’ awareness about the abandoned animals and to deepen the understanding on how to take care of the animals, our S4 students participated in the animal service training…