
Mathematics Club Tutorial Days

2560 1707 STGSS

2024-03-20 to 2024-03-22 Mathematics Club Tutorial Week The Mathematics Club hosted a series of engaging tutorials, making math exciting and relatable for participants. These tutorials covered various topics, including those…

Inter-class Dodgeball Competition 2023-2024

2560 1440 STGSS

S4 Other Learning Experiences: Embracing Inclusivity and Understanding

2560 1920 STGSS

S4 Other Learning Experiences: Embracing Inclusivity and Understanding On March 15, 2024, our school had the privilege of participating in an event called “Embracing Inclusivity and Understanding” that aimed to…

Life-wide Learning Days _ S4 Local History Tour

1920 2560 STGSS

Life-Wide Learning Days: S4 Local History Study Tour   Organized by the Citizenship and Social Development Department, the S4 Local History Study Tour provided our students with a unique opportunity…

S4 One Student One Community Service Programme_ Coastal Cleanup

2560 1920 STGSS

S4 One Student One Community Service Programme: Coastal Cleanup Learning through practical experience is one of the key features of our S4 One Student One Community Service Programme. On March…

S4 One Student One Community Service Programme_ Dessert Workshop

2560 1920 STGSS

S4 One Student One Community Service Programme: Dessert Workshop in Collaboration with the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association   Our school successfully organized a special event in collaboration with the…

S4 One Student One Community Service Programme_ Together We Care

2560 1920 STGSS

S4 One Student One Community Service Programme: Together We Care 2023 Our S4 students and members of the Interact Social Service Team participated in “Together We Care 2023,” which took…


2048 1536 STGSS

由梁文燕紀念中學(沙田)主辦、沙田官立中學協辦的聯校粵港兩地學生文化及劍擊交 流團,於2024年3月27至28日順利完成。這次交流團旨在加深香港與內地學生的了解,讓他們感受國家最新發展,體驗頂尖運動員的訓練,並建立兩地學生間的友誼,提升他們的 國家認同感。 拓寬文化視野: 交流團首日,學生參觀了深圳市當代藝術與城市規劃館。這個集藝術收藏和城市發展展 示於一體的文化場館,讓學生了解到規劃師如何利用新技術推動城市發展,如太陽能建 築一體化、3D建模和機械人高精度自動測量控制技術等。這些創新展示,使學生對深圳 城市發展的科技應用印象深刻,增強了他們對國家發展大灣區現代化科技城市建設的 認識。 提升劍擊技術: 交流團的另一焦點是劍擊培訓。學生在萬國體育-擊劍體能俱樂部,得到曾獲北京2008 年奧運會男子重劍團體賽第4名的尹練池教練的指導,學習了專項的技巧訓練。之後,學生到廣州體育職業技術學院附屬體育運動學校實踐所學的劍擊技術,通過這次實踐,學 生們不僅提升了自身的劍擊水平,也對劍擊專項訓練有了更深入的了解和體驗。 培養堅毅精神: 第二天他們還前往廣東省現代五項隊黃村體育訓練基地,與國家級運動員一起進行劍 擊訓練切磋,體驗了職業運動員的訓練強度和專注,深深感受到成功是需要有堅毅的精 神及付出艱辛的努力。 啟發生涯規劃: 交流團期間,學生還與尹練池教練面談,了解運動員的職業發展道路,明白到運動員退 役後,還可以做教練、體育學校的管理層、營養師或物理治療師等。啟發了學生對未來 職業規劃的思考。 培養愛國情懷: 此外,他們參觀了廣州體育職業技術學院附屬體育運動學校的校史館,感受到該校奧運 和世界冠軍級國家運動健兒的輝煌成就,讓學生深刻感受到國家的榮譽和驕傲,增強了 對祖國的自豪感和歸屬感。 總括來說,此次交流團增進了粵港兩地師生及運動員的瞭解與友誼,拓展了學生的科技 和文化視野,提升了他們的劍擊運動技能,並啟發了生涯規劃、培養了愛國情懷,加強 了學生對國家的認同感。收獲豐碩。 學生反思及心得︰ 在第一天的旅程中,我們參觀了萬國劍擊訓練中心,有幸獲前國家級運動員尹練池教練指導劍術,以及對他進行專訪。從他的奮鬥經歷,讓我體會到職業運動員的成功絕非僥倖,唾手可得——必須憑藉百折不撓的精神,以苦練孕育成就。…

Workplace Visit

1600 1200 STGSS

Workplace Visit in Dynamic Worlds   On both 26 January and 30 January 2024, Careers Committee orchestrated various workplace visits for S5 students to inspire their exploration of career opportunities,…

S3 Careers Talk on S4 Streaming

2560 1703 STGSS

S3 Careers Talk on S4 Streaming On 15 March 2024, Friday afternoon, the highly acclaimed S3 Careers Talk on Streaming was held at the school hall for all S.3 parents…