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教育局數學教育組主辦 2019 至 2020 年度 中學數學閱讀報告比賽得獎心得錄影片段

150 150 STGSS

教育局數學教育組主辦   2019 至 2020 年度 中學數學閱讀報告比賽   一等獎得獎者  4C 張凱琪 (2019-2020班別)   Cheung Hoi Ki Sharing to EDB Maths_720P 得獎心得錄影片段 此片段已於2020-21年度中學數學閱讀報告比賽簡介會(10/12/2020)播放

Shenzhen–Hong Kong Make 24 Challenge for Gifted Students 2020 (深港資優合24挑戰賽2020)

150 150 STGSS

3 students participated in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Make 24 Challenge for Gifted students organized by the Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers’ Association and KPG Education Limited.  Awards were listed below:…


150 150 STGSS


Cancellation of Annual Speech Day

150 150 STGSS

Dear guests, parents, graduates and prize winners, Due to the rapid increase of COVID-19 confirmed cases and the announcement of school suspension, we regret to inform you that our school…


150 150 STGSS

學校早前(2019-2020學年)參與由香港特別行政區政府教育局及長春社文化古蹟資源中心聯合主辦的“月旦古今:中國歷史人物小故事比賽”,恭賀以下同學獲得優秀獎狀: 本學年年級 學生姓名 2D 蘇晞朗 3C 郭俊凱 3D 吳庭瑋 4A 吳楚炫 4A 曾漫雲 4B 郭俊唯

Dr.Cheng Ha Yan Memorial Scholarship 20-21

150 150 STGSS

The details and application form for the Dr. Cheng Ha Yan Memorial Scholarship 20/21 can be downloaded here: Dr.Cheng Ha Yan Memorial Scholarship 20-21


150 150 STGSS

網上學習支援資訊: 家長可以參考以下資料為貴子女的網上學習作好準備 做個「智Net的」家長教育手冊 資訊素養及電子安全相關支援 – 香港學生資訊素養 香港教育城—善用科技及資訊 運用電子學習模式支援學生在家學習專頁  

Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools (2019/20)

150 150 STGSS

Two students were awarded the Good Performance Award in the Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools (2019/20) which was organized by the Mathematics Education Section of Education Bureau. Awards were…

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Sudoku Championship 2020

150 150 STGSS

3 students participated in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Sudoku Championship which was organized by Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers’ Association and KPG Education Limited. Awards were listed below.   5A Gold…

Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award 2019/2020

150 150 STGSS

One student was awarded the second class honor, one student was awarded the third class honor and one student was awarded merit award in the Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award…