News 2024-2025

Annual Speech Day 2024 Photo Album

150 150 STGSS

Our school Annual Speech Day was successfully conducted on 6 December 2024. Thank you for your invaluable support and encouragement. Please click here or scan the QR code below for…

Hong Kong Inter-School Dodgeball Championships 2023-24

150 150 STGSS

Congratulates to our Dodgeball Team receiving the Senior Mixed Group Champion in the Hong Kong Inter-School Dodgeball Championships 2023-24 which was organized by the Hong Kong Dodgeball Association on 5th…

Inter-School Swimming Championships2024-2025

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H.K.S.S.F. Shatin and Sai Kung Secondary Schools Area Committee Inter-School Swimming Championships2024-2025Date of the activity: 14/10/2024EventClassClass noEnglish NameChinese NamePositionGirl’s A grade 50-Metre Butterfly  女子甲組 50米蝶式6D31Woo Tsoi Yi胡采兒Champion 冠軍Girl’s A grade…

MEN’S BIORÉ – 學界男子閃避球季前賽 2024

150 150 STGSS

Our Dodgeball Team participated in the Men’s Biore – Schools Boys Dodgeball Preseason Competition 2024 on 20th October 2024. Our team won the Champion. Congratulations to the Dodgeball Team. MEN’S…

S1 Admission Talk 中一入學簡介會安排

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23 November 2024 (Saturday)2024年11月23日 (星期六) Time:時間:8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Two sessions will be arranged, each lasting approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. The school will assign participants to sessions…

PTA Newsletter (Issue 44) – 7.2024

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The Hong Kong Buddhist Association United Italian Scholarship

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Notice of Congratulations ! We are thrilled to announce and congratulate Tse Ngai Yeung, our graduate from S.6C in 2023-2024, on receiving a prestigious scholarship, The Hong Kong Buddhist Association…

鄭夏恩醫生紀念獎學金計劃 2024-2025

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Dr. Cheng Ha Yan Memorial Scholarship 2024-2025 Application Form