
Congratulations to School Volleyball Teams

150 150 STGSS

Both our Girls’ and Boys’ School Volleyball teams entered the final rounds of the Inter-School Volleyball Competition (A Grade, Division 2) 2022-2023, Shatin and Sai Kung Secondary Schools Area Committee,…

家長教師會周年會員大會 2022-10-15

150 150 STGSS

家長教師會2022年度周年會員大會於10月15日假學校禮堂舉行,當日共有160多名家長出席,場面熱鬧。在周年會員大會上,由第18屆家教會主席林宜玲女士進行工作報告,家教會司庫黃意心老師作財務報告。此外,家長教師會亦特別鳴謝周顏惜琴女士擔任義務核數員。最後,林月華校長於會上公佈林宜玲女士為2022-2024年度學校管理委員會家長成員代表的當選人。 家長教師會周年會員大會結束後,學校亦安排家長與班主任及各級科任老師進行座談會。家長們積極發問,藉此機會對子女的學習難點及掌握科目的技巧等方面都作出深入了解。

Revised School Calendar

150 150 STGSS

Please click Revised School Calendar for details.

Information for DSE students

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取消「中一自行分配學位」面試 (2022-2023年度入學)

150 150 STGSS


STGSS Gratitude Week Celebration-Video

150 150 STGSS

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Greater Bay Area “Knowledge x Giftedness” Cup Creative Writing Competition 2021

150 150 STGSS

6 students participated in the Greater Bay Area “Knowledge x Giftedness” Cup Creative Writing Competition 2021 which was organized by Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers’ Association and KPG Education Limited.…

The 14th Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award

150 150 STGSS

5 students participated in The 14th Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award which was organized by Education Bureau. Awards were listed below: 4B Cheng Jamie Honorable Mention Award 4B Tam Ho…

Cultivate Our Talents with Good Life Planning

150 150 STGSS

Cultivate Our Talents with Good Life Planning Design, Creative Media, Fine Arts, Fashion & Textiles On 16th January 2021, two alumni who are working in the art and design industry,…


150 150 STGSS
