商務印書館原定8 月2 日上午9:00- 下午4:00 到校派發已訂購的書本。現在因颱風關係,將延後至8 月5 日才可派發書本。不便之處,請諒。
The Commercial Press Ltd. has to postpone the distribution of ordered textbooks. Please note that the new date for collection of books is 5 August (Monday). Thank you.
商務印書館原定8 月2 日上午9:00- 下午4:00 到校派發已訂購的書本。現在因颱風關係,將延後至8 月5 日才可派發書本。不便之處,請諒。
The Commercial Press Ltd. has to postpone the distribution of ordered textbooks. Please note that the new date for collection of books is 5 August (Monday). Thank you.