Events 2020-2021

4B(31) Man Sze Wing

VA Exhibition 2021 – S4 Portrait Painting

2320 3508 STGSS

3C 12 LI HO HIN-1

VA Exhibition 2021 – S3 Picture book design

2480 1754 STGSS

3D(34) Yeung Sum Ching

VA Exhibition 2021 – S3 Landscape Painting

2403 3135 STGSS


VA Exhibition 2021 – S2 Keith Haring’s Painting

3135 2400 STGSS

2D(27) 李彥欣-1

VA Exhibition 2021 – S2 Calendar Design

3144 2400 STGSS

1D(23) Fu Suet Ying

VA Exhibition 2021 – S1 Landscape Painting

3507 2480 STGSS

Protect Yourself and others ~ get vaccinated at STGSS

1600 758 STGSS

To echo with the Outreach Vaccination Programme launched by the Civic Service Bureau and to safeguard public health, STGSS was opened as vaccination center for our students and their family…

Chinese Music Cultural Week

2560 1703 STGSS To promote Chinese music learning, students from the Chinese Orchestra gave demonstration of different Chinese musical instruments in the mornings and during the recess for six days in May…


1024 768 STGSS

家長教師會獲家校合作組撥款,舉辦了兩個親子活動,讓家長及其子女免費參加,也有副校長和老師出席支持。其一是5月21日的「健體伸展班」,邀請校友兼註冊物理治療師莊子聰先生到校指導及示範伸展運動和八段錦招式。參加者表示活動有助他們紓緩筋骨勞損的問題。 其一是5月28日的「中國彩墨畫班」,邀請專業導師到校講解中國畫的特色,並教授繪畫技巧。參加者可即場完成一、兩幅簡單的作品,從中培養對傳統文化、藝術的興趣。

Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2020/21

2560 1707 STGSS

Drama Team Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2021 Our drama team has again set a new school record by winning the highest honour, Adjudicators’ Award, in this year’s Hong Kong…