News 2020-2021

PTA Succulent Plant Workshop 家教會多肉植物盆景班

150 150 STGSS

PTA Succulent Plant Workshop Our PTA organized a Succulent Plant Workshop on 30 March 2021. A total of around 20 teachers and families joined the activity. Under the step-by-step coaching…

The Teacher Symposium 2021 (Joint School Staff Development Day)

150 150 STGSS

The Teacher Symposium 2021 (Joint School Staff Development Day) organized by the EDB and the Principals Association of the Government School, was held on 31st March 2021. The theme was…

Youth Emotional Health Seminar 青少年情緒健康講座

150 150 STGSS

Guidance Team and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups held a “Youth Emotional Health Seminar” for S2 and 3 students on March 29, enabling students to understand the importance…

S3 Careers Talk on S4 Streaming

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S4 is a new stage of learning. For S3 students, making subject choices is very important in their life planning. Face-to-face talks were thus conducted on 26 March 2021. To…

First Multiple Intelligences Stage 智勇舞台首次演出

150 150 STGSS

First Multiple Intelligences StageThe Multiple Intelligences Stage Performances organized by the ECA Committee provide students with an opportunity to show their talents. They are student-oriented performances. Under COVID-19 pandemic, we…

STGSS Young Song Composers visited CUHK

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To celebrate our school’s 50th Anniversary, students were encouraged to compose English songs especially for this occasion. Some students submitted beautiful melodies with thoughtful lyrics full of gratitude and love…

Gratitude for blessings multiplies your blessings

150 150 STGSS

Gratitude has been associated with positivity, vitality, optimism, hope and satisfaction. Our Gratitude Week conducted in mid-March promoted gratefulness, thankfulness and appreciation. We dedicated an entire week for all STGSS…

Full resumption of classes – All Our Students Have Returned 沙官全面恢復面授課堂喜迎全體學生回校上課

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We were grateful to see all our students back on campus since early March. Principal Lam warmly welcomed the students through a zoom assembly on 9 March. It created a…

中一自行分配學位 面見信件

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本校中一自行分配學位面見如期於2021年3月13日(星期六)舉行。 本校於今日(4/3)已寄出中一自行分配學位面見信件,範本連結﹕ 如家長於9/3 (星期二)仍未收到信件,請致電2691-4744與本校聯絡。 倘若同學有實際困難而未能出席面見,必須於10/3(星期三)或之前呈交家長信通知本校。若申請者無故缺席面見而不作事前通知,將視作自動放棄學位論。

Photocatalyst anti-virus coating applied at school

150 150 STGSS

Our school has conducted a thorough sterilization photocatalyst anti-virus coating on 9 & 10 February.