
S6 Careers Talk on Non-local Further Studies

150 150 STGSS

S6 Careers talk on non-local further studies A careers talk on non-local further studies was held on 8 November 2022 and our S6 students were given an introduction and overview…

S3+S6 Peer Counselling – Choice of S4 Elective Subjects

150 150 STGSS

S3 + S6 PEER COUNSELING — CHOICE OF S4 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS On 31 October 2022, S6 students shared with their S3 schoolmates about their valuable experiences of choosing elective subjects.…

S5 OLE HSBC Young Financial Planners Programme

150 150 STGSS

S5 Other Learning Experiences– HSBC Young Financial Planners Programme On 19th October 2022, S5 students participated in the HSBC Young Financial Planner Programme organized by The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs…


150 150 STGSS

Other Learning Experiences S4 One Student One Community Service—Together We Care 2022愛心送暖行動2022  On 13th November 2022, 18 S4 students reached out to the community by participating in the Together We…

The Results of School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS)

150 150 STGSS

The nominated students are: 6B (9) Kwok Chun Wai Aeon 6D (29) Law Yuet Ying Agnes

Introduction to New Elective Subjects – BAFS, Chinese Literature and Economics

150 150 STGSS

S.3 Careers Talk on Electives, namely Chinese Literature, BAFS and Economics, was held online for parents and students on 19th October, 2022 (Wednesday). The department heads of aforementioned electives provided…

Staff Development Day 1

150 150 STGSS

STGSS Staff Development Day 1 was held on Friday, 28th October 2022. We aimed to build up a positive attitude towards professionalism with sharing culture. At the same time, through…

S1 Admission Talk 中一入學簡介會安排

150 150 STGSS

26 November 2022 (Saturday)2022年11月26日 (星期六) Time:時間: 9:30 am – 11:15 am (Please be seated by 9:20 am)上午9時30分至上午11時15分 (參與者請於上午9時20分入座) Venue:地點: School Hall本校禮堂 Content :內容大要: The talk will introduce our School Vision…

家長教師會周年會員大會 2022-10-15

150 150 STGSS

家長教師會2022年度周年會員大會於10月15日假學校禮堂舉行,當日共有160多名家長出席,場面熱鬧。在周年會員大會上,由第18屆家教會主席林宜玲女士進行工作報告,家教會司庫黃意心老師作財務報告。此外,家長教師會亦特別鳴謝周顏惜琴女士擔任義務核數員。最後,林月華校長於會上公佈林宜玲女士為2022-2024年度學校管理委員會家長成員代表的當選人。 家長教師會周年會員大會結束後,學校亦安排家長與班主任及各級科任老師進行座談會。家長們積極發問,藉此機會對子女的學習難點及掌握科目的技巧等方面都作出深入了解。

S. 5 School-based OLE Lesson: Food Waste – Waste Not, Want Not

150 150 STGSS

On 13 September, we attended a talk during the school-based OLE lessons hosted by the organization, Food Angel.  What was the talk about? The main topic was about a severe…