
2021-2022 價值觀標語創作比賽得獎作品 (中文科獎項)

150 150 STGSS

中一冠軍     中一戊    劉倩妍 十優公民最閃亮 融洽相處最理想 尊重包容相體諒 以身作則好榜樣 中二冠軍     中二丙    黃詠鑫 同情同理伴同心 正確正面繫人生 中三冠軍     中三丁    林卓賢 關愛親朋互包容 融洽相處顯尊重 傳遞愛心誰都能 互助互愛並肩行 中四冠軍     中四丁    鄒伊晴 敷衍塞責不可得 恪盡職守是美德 馬虎了事齊說不 正面價值皆可得 中五冠軍     中五乙    黃慧喬 乘風破浪迎挑戰…

2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種 講你知 港台拍攝短片(共6集)

150 150 STGSS

2022年7月21日 港台32台開始播放 地點:教育局元朗官立小學 第1集 新冠疫苗過敏副作用與安全性 第2集 新冠疫苗有效預防孩子感染後出現重症 第3集 感染新冠病毒後出現多系統性炎症 第4集 感染新冠病毒後出現長新冠 第5集 孩子感染新冠病毒後還需要打針嗎 第6集 懷孕和哺乳的時候可否接種新冠疫苗

Science Club Inter-house Tower Design Competition

150 150 STGSS

Activity: Science Club Inter-house Tower Design Competition Date: Jul 26, 2022 Participants: Science Club members and members from the 4 houses I/C: Ms. Ho Yuen-wa, Mr Choi Siu Po, Ms…

Outstanding Student Performance (2022 DSE)

150 150 STGSS

劉縉熹 (39 分) Outstanding Student Performance – DSE 2022

Career Exploration Workshop – Pet Grooming, Coffee Brewing & Latte Art, and Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy

150 150 STGSS

A brand-new series of Career Exploration Workshop was successfully held from 23 May 2022 to 9 June 2022. The workshops aimed at addressing the diverse needs of the students with…

S4 Positive Thinking Day Camp

150 150 STGSS

The S4 Positive Thinking Day Camp was successfully held by the Guidance Committee on 2nd June, 2022 at Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong Wu Kai Sha Youth Village. The camp aimed at providing…

Lecture on Interesting Geometry Examples by HKUST

150 150 STGSS

The Mathematics Department arranged an inspiring science lecture namely Interesting Geometry Examples conducted by Professor Kin Yin LI from Department of Mathematics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology…

The Results of JUPAS – School Principal’s Nominations 2021-2022

150 150 STGSS

The nominated students are: 6C (2) Chen Chun Hin 6C (24) Chu Lok Kwan 6C (27) Ngai Lok Sum 6C (34) Yip Ka Po

The Results of School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS)

150 150 STGSS

The nominated students are: 6C (8) Lau Chun Hei 6C (23) Cheung Ka Sin